Rubik's Cube Solver


My Cube Setup
  • F = Front
  • B = Back
  • T = Top
  • D = Down
  • L = Left
  • R = Right
  • ()×n = Repeat sequence n times
  • Just a letter = 1 Turn Clockwise; i.e. T
  • - = 1 Turn Counterclockwise; i.e F-
  • 2 = 2 Turns, either direction
  • X = Turn Cube in the direction indicated with L and R the same
  • Y = Turn Cube in the direction indicated with T and D the same
  • Z = Turn Cube in the direction indicated with F and B the same

Step One: The Cross

  1. If the piece is on the top layer, Use M2 where M is the side it's on to get it to the bottom.
  2. If the piece is on the middle layer, rotate the side it's on either M- or M (whatever gets it to the bottom layer)
  3. Rotate the bottom until the piece matches one of the two orientations that are shown when each one is selected.

Piece Position
F T L- T- Y

Finished Step 1 Oops! Haven't Finished Step 1 Yet!

Step Two: The Corners

  1. If the corner piece is on the top layer, Use Yx where x is the rotation needed to make the piece the TFR (Top-Front-Right)
  2. Execute the sequence: F B F-
  3. The corner piece will match one of the three orientations that are shown when each one is selected.
Piece Position
R- B- R Y
Finished Step 2 Oops! Haven't Finished Step 2 Yet!

Step Three: The Sides

  1. The side piece will match one of the three orientations that are shown when each one is selected if it is not already properly placed.
Piece Position
R- B- R B F B F- B
R- B R B F B- F- Y
Finished Step 3 Oops! Haven't Finished Step 3 Yet!

Step Four: The Bottom Corners

  • There are two parts to this step:
    • Positioning
    • Orienting
Part 1: Positioning
  1. Find two corners that are postioned correctly, but not necessarily oriented correctly.
  2. If no corners are correct, perform B- and try again
  3. Keep doing it until two pieces are matched.
  4. The pictures show what pieces will be flipped when the respective alogrithm is executed
Part 2: Orienting
  1. The corners must first be oriented correctly before they can be oriented.
  2. When the corners are positioned, perform the sequence: "R- B- R F B F- R- B2 R B2" on any side until the bottom matches one of two positions under the "Orientation" label in the dropdown box.
  3. Pay close attention. The orientations are slightly different
Piece Position/Orientation
With finished side as T:
R- B- R F B F- R- B R B2
Finished Step 4 Oops! Haven't Finished Step 4 Yet!

Step Five: The Bottom Sides for the Finish!

  • There are two parts to this step:
    • Positioning
    • Orienting
Part 1: Positioning
  1. Find a bottom side that is postioned correctly, but not necessarily orientented correctly.
  2. If no side is correct, with finised side as T, perform "L- R F L R B2 L- R F L R-" and try again
  3. One side should be matched now. This becomes the FD piece.
  4. The pictures show what sides will be flipped when the respective alogrithm is executed
Part 2: Orienting
  1. The sides must first be positioned correctly before the can be oriented.
  2. When the corners are positioned, one of three patterns will occur
Piece Position/Orientation
With finished side as T:
L- R F L R- B2 L- R F L R-
Finished Step 5 Oops! Haven't Finished Step 5 Yet!
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